3rd Grade
3rd Grade FocusTop of Page
Valuable WebsitesTop of Page
NEA - Teacher's picks for top 100 books: See what books teachers love
Kids Read: This is a fun site for children to explore books, series, and authors, and see book reviews.
The Children's Book Council: Has some book lists
Fun Brain - play grammar and math games online
Math worksheets - get homework and other worksheets from the days lesson
Math Hunt - Test your math and reading skills
Math Flashcards - Practice your math facts with online flashcards
Language Arts Activities - These activities go with our Reading series
PBSKIDS - Fun activities from PBS
Field TripsTop of Page
This year the third graders will be participating in the following curriculum-related field trips and events.
Mt. SAC Planetarium -Pomona
- Students will be watching a planetarium show then building and launching a rocket.
- Students need to bring a sack lunch with their name on it.
Up to four parent chaperones suggested per class (must drive separately).
In-N-Out -Glendora T.B.A. Feb-April
- Each class will walk to In-N-Out for a "behind the scenes tour" of a local business.
- A burger, fries, and drink will be provided at no cost.
- Limited to 2 parent chaperones per class.
San Dimas History City Tour - San Dimas/La Verne
(2 classes will go on either day)
- District sponsored "Hands on History".
Students will need to bring a sack lunch with their name on it.
No specific limit on parent chaperones (can ride on the bus).
Apple Valley Country Fair Picnic - at Gladstone
- Lunch and contest supplies and prizes provided
- Many parent volunteers needed between 8:00-1:00
HomeworkTop of Page
What kind of homework will be assigned?
Usually, there will be two assignments given each night, a math assignment, something else (lang. arts, science, soc. studies…), and to read independently for 20 minutes. Each night’s assignments should take no more than 50-60 minutes to complete (this includes reading time). If your child is struggling, please send a note or contact his/her teacher explaining what was attempted and where the questions or problem came up.
What is the purpose of Homework?
Homework is for practice of skills we are learning, study for skills to be assessed, and to promote good study habits for the future.
How will I know what has been assigned for homework?
The homework for each night is posted in the classroom. It is the responsibility of each third grader to copy their homework assignments on their homework chart.
What happens when my child does not complete an assignment?
Students who do not complete homework will be sent to Homework Club during recess. Please remember filling out and signing the reading chart is also considered homework.