1st Grade
Valuable WebsitesTop of Page
Take a look at these websites that support our First Grade curriculum.
English Language Arts: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr/
Mathematics: http://www.onlineintervention.com/OI/mktngPage.jsp
Science: http://www.harcourtschool.com/index.html
Social Studies: http://cahistorysocialscience.com/
You might also want to check out these other websites to reinforce the skills your child is learning at school.
http://www.scholastic.com Activities, newsletters, and resources.
http://pbskids.org Activities from PBS.
http://aplusmath.com Flashcards.
http://funbrain.com Play grammar and math games.
English Language Arts: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr/
Mathematics: http://www.onlineintervention.com/OI/mktngPage.jsp
Science: http://www.harcourtschool.com/index.html
Social Studies: http://cahistorysocialscience.com/
You might also want to check out these other websites to reinforce the skills your child is learning at school.
http://www.scholastic.com Activities, newsletters, and resources.
http://pbskids.org Activities from PBS.
http://aplusmath.com Flashcards.
http://funbrain.com Play grammar and math games.
First Grade Supply ListTop of Page
Welcome to first grade! We are so excited to have you and we are looking forward to a great year together. The following are recommended supplies to help support our learning this year. Thank you for your support!
Student Supplies:
- Twistables 18 pack
- One or two large glue sticks
- Durable headphones in a bag labeled with your child's name
- Bluetooth mouse *optional, but highly recommended
Teacher will collect:
- 1 pack of sharpened pencils (Ticonderoga)
- Hand Sanitizer - 1 bottle
- CLOROX Wipes
- One pack of THIN, black whiteboard markers
- Kleenex
- Ream of white paper
- $10.00 for PTA Membership
Class Donations (NOT Mandatory):
- White cardstock
- Heavy duty sheet protectors
- Laminating sheets
- THIN, black whiteboard markers
- Any supply listed above
Your child's teacher will provide any other necessary supplies that are not on this list such as glue, pencil box, folders, etc.