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Gladstone Handbook, Parent Newsletters, and Information

Parent Newsletter Links
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Important Links from recent Newsletters:
Educational Benefit Form:
Let’s Stay Connected through Gladstone Social Media and website links:  Please follow or find us on…
Please visit our PTA website to stay up-to-date on important events and programs sponsored by this dedicated group:

The Griffin Growl
Weekly Parent Newsletter
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Gladstone Elementary Handbook
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The Gladstone Handbook 2024-2025 is also available in a printed format from the office upon request. The Handbook details the procedures and protocols at Gladstone Elementary. The handbook link provides a PDF version of the entire handbook for your reference.

Important Reminders
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Arrival / Drop off:  Please remember that there is no supervision available prior to 7:30 AM.  Kindergarten parents are still encouraged to walk their kindergarteners to the door of the classroom.  TK Parents, please bring your TK student to the cafeteria for breakfast and supervision as early as 7:45 AM.  All 1st-5th grade parents, please say goodbye at the Shellman drop-off loop or in front of the school (at the cafeteria or gates).  Please note: if your child is in our ASD/ASDI/SDC program, please follow the directions given by your child’s teacher for drop-off and pick-up.  
Dismissal / Pick-up:  For 1st – 5th-grade parents, here are a few things that help keep dismissal safe and efficient in the Shellman pick–up area
  • Handicap parking is available throughout the day in both the front and back parking lots.  
  • At pick-up time, the Shellman loop is closed to automobile traffic.
  • Please remember that for pedestrian safety cars are unable to exit the back lot during dismissal time: 
    • Primary from 2:00 - 2:10 PM, Upper Grade 2:45 - 2:55 PM, and all grades 12:55 - 1:05 PM on Wednesday Compact Days. 
    • As soon as pedestrian traffic is completely clear, the cones are moved and traffic may safely exit out of the entry driveway.
  • For 1st – 5th grade, please remember NOT to crowd the fence and to leave the sidewalk near the exit open for students to exit safely.
  • Please do NOT park in the red zones. It creates blind spots for pedestrians crossing Shellman.